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High School

  •  1966     Baccalauréat, Sciences Experimentales, with honors.

Sorbonne University, Paris, France

  •  1969     B.A. in Modern Literature.
  •  1970     M.A. in Modern Literature, with honors.
  •  1970     B.A. in Philosophy.
  • 1971     M.A. in Philosophy.
  •  1972     C.A.P.E.S. in Modern Literature (Theory).
  • 1973     C.A.P.E.S. in Modern Literature (Practical).
  • 1978     P.H.D in Theatrical Studies, Le choeur dans le théâtre de Paul Claudel. Supervisor: Prof. Bernard Dort.

Schools of Drama

  • 1966-1967     Ecole Jacques Lecoq.
  • 1967              Lee Strasberg’s workshop.
  • 1967-1969     Ecole du Théâtre des Amandiers (Instructors: Pierre Debauche, Jonathan Merzer, Antoine Vitez).


Teaching posts



  • 1973                 Student Teacher, Lycées Montaigne and Louis-Le-Grand.
  • 1973                 Temporary Lecturer, Sorbonne ( Paris VII ).
  • 1975-1977         Lecturer, Federal  and State Universities of Rio de Janeiro.   
  • 1979-1980         Lecturer, L’Institut d Etudes théâtrales, Universite de la Sorbonne, Paris III.


  • 1981-1982                     Lecturer, Theatre Department, Tel-Aviv University.
  • 1981-1982                     Lecturer, Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1982-1984                     Teaching Fellow, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1984-1988                     Lecturer, Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1988-1993                     Lecturer, Comparative Literature Department, Bar-Ilan University. 
  • 1988-1998                     Senior Lecturer, Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1998-2000                     Head of the Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 1998-2013                     Associate Professor, Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 2007-2012                     Head of the Theatre Department, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
  • 2013-                            Professor emeritus.


Artistic activity


  • La Sagesse ou la Parabole du Festin, by Claudel directed by Victor Garcia, Paris, 1969.
  • M=M, by Xavier Pommeret, directed by Antoine Vitez, Ivry, 1973.
  • Le festin de pierre, adapted from Moliere’s Don Juan, directed by Jean-Baptiste Mallartre, Ivry, 1974.
  • L homme de sable, adapted from Hoffman, directed by Jacques Roch, Choisy-Le-Roy, 1974-1975.


  • Les catcheuses, published by Editions de Babel, Paris, 1973 ( 52p.)

                        directed by: Daniel Mesguish, Anthony, 1973; Vincennes, 1974

                        Jean-Louis Manceau, Paris, 1977; Festival d Avignon, 1978

                        Jerusalem , Spring Festival, 1979; Paris, 1979

                        Phillippe Muller, Lyon, 1986; Festival d Avignon, 1986

                        Marian Lucky, Bratislava, 1996.

  • La nuit, directed by the playwright, Paris, 1977; Rome , 1978; Festival of Wiesbaden, 1979; Festival de Theatre comique, Studio des Champs Elysées, Paris, 1980.
  • Sissi en enfer, published by Maison de la Culture de Rennes, collection Nouveau Théâtre, 1975 (63 p.) ; Festival d’Avignon, Le Gueuloir, 1973. Text broadcasted on France Culture, 1974.
  • Strip, published in Avant-Scène, Paris 1986 (pp. 64-83)

 directed by: the playwright, Tel-Aviv, 1982; 

Christian Muller, Lyon, 1988

Alfred Le Renard, Grenoble, 1996.

  • The Horrible Doctor Von Pavlovitch, Acre Festival, 1982; Train Theatre, 1983; Israeli Television, 1983.
  • Tombeau de poupées, published by Editions du Théâtre National du Palais de Chaillot, Paris, 1983, (52 p.), directed by Pierre Attrait, set- designer Karen Abd-el-Kader, with the participation of Antoine Vitez, Michael Lonsdale, Muni, Micheline Presle, Jany Gastaldi, Francoise Bertin, etc., Théâtre National de Chaillot, October, 1983.
  • La Musique, Théâtre Ouvert, France-Culture, broadcasted on French radio, 1993.
  • Yadja (Translated from Hebrew), Paris, March 2004, Festival d'Avignon, July 2004.


  • La Belle et la Bête, adapted from Madame Leprince de Beaumont. A musical for skates and wheelchairs, with the participation of the handicapped children of Alyn Hospital and a team of students from the Hebrew University;  Jerusalem Theatre, 1981; Khan Theatre, 1985. This play was broadcasted on Israeli and American television and was the subject of several newspaper reviews in Ma’arivJerusalem Post 3/7/85, Kol Ha’ir ( front page) 21/6/85,  Ha’aretz 12/6/85,   Hadashot 20/6/85.   
  • Gimpell The Fool, adapted by Isaac Bashevis Singer, directed by the playwright, Kahn Theatre, Jerusalem, 1983, Tel-Aviv, 1983.
  • The Fairest of all The Voices, adapted from Y.L. Peretz, directed by the playwright, Studio Nissan Nativ, 1990.
  • Baal Tefila  by Rabbi Nachman of Breslev,  Hebrew University, 1990.  Igal Mor filmed the rehearsals of Baal Tefila and used this material to illustrate the essence of  Jewish  theatre in his television film Masach Ve Parochet which aired on Israeli television in 1991.
  • The Dispute of Barcelona, directed by the playwright, Khan Theatre, Jerusalem, 1992.
  • Voices, Jerusalem, 2005-2007, 2012, Aspaklaria Theatre.
  • Program of Stage - readings in Mikro theatre (2018 -     )

          Directing a program of stage readings focused on Jewish plays with Roy Horowitz.

          Two plays are presented to the public each year since 2018.

Other professional activities

Artistic Consultation

  • Le Balcon, co-director with Dr. Yaakov Raz, Kahn Theatre, Jerusalem, 1981; Tel-Aviv, 1982.
  • Les Nègres, by Jean Genet, directed by Jean -Louis Thamin, Centre Dramatique de Bordeaux, 1988.
  • Les Nègresby Jean Genet, directed by Moshe Malka, Acco Festival, 2002.

Artistic Direction

  • Coordinator of the Hebrew University “Tutti Frutti” Theatre Festival ( 1992, 1993, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2007-2012 ). The various productions ( dance, theatre, film, cabaret) in the Festival have received honorable reviews from Israeli print and  media.


  • Member of the Editing Committee, ( French version ) of the Hebrew University Studies in Literature and the Arts and of Perspectives, (1989-2013).
  • Co-editor with Professor Fernande Bartfeld of Perspectives on the 1997 issue: Le sacré dans la Litterature et les Arts, and on the 2003 issue: Théâtre Juif.


  • Coordinator of international congresses Music in the performing arts, for the Frederick Loewe Foundation (2001, 2002, 2008) and for the Billy Crystal foundation, Theatre in a multi-cultural society (2009-2010).

Public Functions

  • Member of the managing committee of the Israeli Theatre Archives (1990-2013).
  • Member of the Jury of the Margalit Prize For Israeli Theatre (2001-2013).
  • Member of the new consulting committee to the Education and Culture Ministry (2000-2002).
  • Member of the Council for Higher Education:
  1. Department of Communication studies, Ariel University (2000-2004).
  2. Theatre Studies Department, Western Galilee College (2010-2016).

Papers at Conferences

  1. "Ida Rubinstein and the Jewish Theatre", in Ninth World Congress of Jewish Studies Jerusalem 1985.
  2. "Claudel et Vitez mettent en scène Molière", in The play out of the context, Jerusalem 1986.
  3. "J'ai deux amours", in La dramaturgie claudélienne, Cerisy-la-Salle 1987.
  4. "Prison et enfermement dans l' oeuvre de Genet", in Texte et environnement Bar-Ilan University 1988.
  5. "Cocteau et Genet", in Cocteau, Tel Aviv University, 1989.
  6. "La tétralogie de la révolution", in Littérature et révolution, Jérusalem, 1989.
  7. "Les Paravents and the dream project", in The 6th Conference of the Israeli Society for the promotion of Theatre Studies, Tel Aviv, January 1994.
  8. "Un opéra pour Terezin of Liliane Atlan" in Theatre and Holocaust, Glasgow University 1995.
  9. "On répète Tête d'Or", in Theatre and Holy Scriptures, in The Annual Conference of the International Federation for Theatre Research, Tel Aviv, 16-21 June 1996.
  10. "From the Papin Sisters to The maids", in the 9th Conference of the Israeli Society for the promotion of Theatre Studies, Tel Aviv, January 1997.
  11. "Camus et Artaud", in Albert Camus : parcours méditerranéens, Van Leer Institute, November 1997.
  12. "Garcia met en scène Lorca", in Frederic Garcia Lorca, Bar-Ilan University, November 1998.
  13. "Une utopie urbanistique de Jean Genet", in  Les Utopies de la Ville, Besançon University, May 1999.
  14. "The failure of the Revolution in Genet's The Balcony, in Weiss's Marat Sade and Mnouchkine's 1789 Revolution and Institutionalization in the Theatre, Tel Aviv, June 1999.
  15.  "Deux pièces pour enfants de Paul Claudel", in Paroles de théâtre, Haïfa University, February 2000.
  16.  "Mer et rivage dans le cinéma de Fellini", in L'Imaginaire, Haïfa University, May 2000.
  17.  "Vers un nouveau théâtre secret", in  Théâtres secrets, théâtres clandestins, Haifa University, May 2001.
  18.  "Le théâtre à Terezinstadt" in Théâtres secrets, théâtres clandestins, May 2001.
  19.  "Symposium on 'Theatre and music'" in Music and the performing arts, May 2001. 
  20. "Theatrical sources of Children of Paradise", in The annual conference of the Israeli association for Theatre Research, January 2002.
  21. "Claudel and Milhaud direct the Oresteia", in The second international conference of Music in the performing Art, May 2002.
  22. "Le repas cannibale" dans Théâtres de ľanatomie, Haïfa, February 2003.
  23. "Claudel et les juifs", dans Claudel politique, Besançon, June 2003.
  24. "The Messianic vision of Avraham Goldfaden", in Bar-Ilan University, March 2004.
  25. "From Alfred Savoir to Liliane Atlan : French Theatre and Jewish Identity", in French Jewish Playwrights,  Hebrew University, May 2004.
  26. "Deux utopies où nous vivons", in Utopies et imaginaire, Haifa University, January 2005.
  27. "Claudel and the Bible", in The Bible in Literature and Arts, Haifa University, May 2005.
  28. "From Molière to Genet : intertextuality and theatre", in The annual conference of the Israeli association for Theatre Research, Bar-Ilan University, February 2006.
  29.  "La guerre des visages: visages juifs, visages aryens", in Panim/Pnim, Bar-Ilan University, June 2006.
  30. "Revolution in Paradise: Paradise in theatre and film" in Images of Paradise, Van Leer Institute, 2006.
  31.  "Représentations voilées de personnages juifs dans le cinéma de la France occupée", in Sociologie historique de l'antisémitisme culturel, Ecole des Hautes Etudes, Paris, May 2007.
  32. "Ruth Reichelberg reads Claudel", in Homage to Prof. Ruth Reichelberg, Bar-Ilan University, October 2007.
  33. "Cette terre même, avec ses maisons, ses rues", in Paroles bibliques, Beit Avihai, May 2008.
  34. "Abraham Goldfaden, the secret grandfather of the Broadway's musical", in Theatre in a multicultural Society, Hebrew University, January 2008.
  35. "Patrice Chereau's production of the Wagner's Tetralogy", in Musical Theatre and Society, Hebrew University, May 2008.
  36. "Shoah pressentie, Shoah souhaitée" in Shoah in Literature and Arts, Hommage à Judith Kaufman, Bar-Ilan University, November 2008.
  37. "Veiled progaganda" in Theatre and Shoah, Laboratory Theatre, January 2009.
  38. "From Samson to Superman: variations on a biblical figure", Van Leer Institute, May 2009.
  39. "Peretz and Ansky" in Please, don't chase me (a conference on The Habima's Dybouk), Laboratory Theatre, May 2009.
  40. "My journey towards the Community Theatre" in Symposium on Community Theatre, Haifa, July 2009.
  41. "Representations of the Maharal in Theatre and Film", in 400 years to the Maharal's death, Van Leer Institute, August 2009.
  42. "The representation of the Jew as 'The other' in French Theatre and Film under German occupation", in The other: Philosophy, Literature, Theatre, Bar-Ilan University, 2010.
  43. "Moses and Aaron by Arnold Schoenberg: Brotherhood or Rivalry?",  in Opening the Week with Music/ Tetzaveh, Van Leer Institute, 2011.
  44. "The Characteristics of comic acting: Molly Picon", in Humor studies conference, Tel Aviv, 2015.
  45. "Utilization of the Self in Theatre and Film", for the launching of Susana Pendzik's book The Self in performance, Hebrew University, 2016.
  46. "Les soixante-dix visages : Jerusalem au miroir de la scene, de  l’ecran et du petit ecran", in Si c'était Jerusalem, Begin center, 2016.
  47. "À la recherche d'un nouveau théâtre juif", in Colloque des Intellectuels Francophones d’Israel, Tel Aviv, 2017.
  48. "The admiration of Hitler by Jean Cocteau and other French Artists.", in Holocaust and genocide, Bar-Ilan University, 2018.
  49. "Les mystères du Tabernacle ou reconstruire le Paradis", in Yemei iyun Tanakh, Herzog College, 2018.